Özet özgeçmiş
Orta öğrenimi’ni İzmir’de tamamladı, İzmir Atatürk Lisesini 1988 yılında 100. yıl mezunu
olarak tamamladı
1995 yılında Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinden 3.’lük derecesiyle mezun oldu
1995-2002 yıllarında Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Plastik, Rekonstrüktif Ve Estetik Cerrahi
Kliniği’nde asistanlık yaptı, 2002 yılında uzman (operator Doktor), 2004 yılında Yardımcı
doçent doktor, 2007 yılında Doçent Doktor ve 2013 yılında Profesör Doktor ünvanlarını
aynı klinikte aldı.
2013 yılında Ağız, Yüz ve Çene Cerrahisi Uzmanı diploması aldı
2013 yılında El Cerrahisi ve Mikrocerrahi Uzmanı diploması aldı.
TÜBİTAK Bursu ile 2002-2003 yıllarında Amerika birleşik Devletlerinde The Cleveland Clinic
Foundation’da Dr. Maria Siemionow ile birlikte ileri mikrocerrahi, kök hücreler, deneysel yüz ve
uzuv nakilleri, iskemi-reperfüzyon hasarı ve diyabetik hastalarda kantitatif somatosensoriyal
test konusunda çalışmalar yaptı, bu çalışmalarla 6 adet uluslararası ödül aldı.
EURAPS (Avrupa Plastik Cerrahi derneği) Young Scholarship Award’ı kazanarak 2004 yılında
İsveç-Göteborg’da Sahlgrenska Akademin’de Kraniyofasiyal Cerrahi alanında çalıştı.
2006 yılında ABD’de çok itibarlı bir ödül olan ve Türkiye’den sadece birkaç kişinin kazandığı
Plastic Surgery Education Foundation (PSEF) Deneysel dalda birincilik ödülü aldı.
2007 yılında Almanya’da Certified Wound Expert ICW (Uluslararası Yara Bakım Uzmanı)
sertifikasını birincilikle aldı. Modern yara bakımı ve ürünleri konusunda uzmandır.
Toplamda 8’i Uluslararası 20 adet ödül almıştır.
2011 yılından beri AO CMF’in (Craniomaxillofacial Surgery) yüz kırıkları ve ortognatik cerrahi
konularında Uluslararası eğitmenidir.
2012 yılında Türkiye’nin üçüncü yüz naklini (Kadından kadına ve kemikli ilk yüz nakli)
Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde başarıyla gerçekleştirdi.
2010 yılından beri Sağlık Bakanlığı Doku Nakli Bilim Kurulunun Üyesidir.
Prof. Dr. ÖZMEN 2013 yılından beri Amerikan Hastanesi Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi
Bölümü’nde görev yapmaktadır.
Prof. Dr. ÖZMEN 2014 yılından beri görev yaptığı ve 1 Ekim 2018 tarihinde resmi olarak
Anabilim Dalı olan Koç Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve
Estetik Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı’nın ilk başkanı olmuştur, halen aynı görevi yürütmektedir.
I was born in Kızıltepe, Mardin . I completed my primary, secondary and high school education in Izmir . After graduating from Izmir Atatürk High School, I got into Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1988 . In 1994, I was awarded the Şeref Zileli Successful Student of the Year Award and graduated from medical school on July 31, 1995, with the third degree.
Following the Medical Specialization Exam held in September 1995, I started working as a research assistant at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in November 1995. I completed my specialist training in February 2002.
He worked as a research fellow on the subjects of ” Allogeneic extremity and face transplantations, stem cells, ischemia-reperfusion and nerve healing” at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation ‘s Plastic Surgery Clinic in Ohio State, USA, with T Ü BİTAK – NATO B1 Postdoctoral Research Scholarship in 2002-2003. I worked as. During the same period, I conducted clinical studies on quantitative somatosensory testing in diabetic patients. I received 6 international awards between 2002 and 2004 for the studies I participated in.
I won the European Association of Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS) Young Scholarship Award-2003 scholarship and worked as a clinical fellow in the field of Craniofacial Surgery for 3 months at Sahlgrenska University Plastic Surgery Clinic in Gothenburg , Sweden , between October and December 2004 .
On December 30, 2004, I started working as an Assistant Professor at Gazi University, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery .
I received the title of Associate Professor in December 2007 .
In April 2013, I was appointed as a Professor at Gazi University , Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery .
I am currently working as a Professor Doctor at Istanbul American Hospital and Koç University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery . In 2018, I started working as the first Department Head at Koç University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, and this position was extended twice during this period . I have been continuing the same position for five years .
I attended the internationally attended ” Certified Wound Expert ICW ” course held in Hamburg, Germany, between 18 June and 04 July 2007, and completed the wound care course with first place.
I won the first prize in the Plastic Surgery Education Foundation (PSEF) Basic Science Junior category in 2006 with my study on Ischemia Reperfusion titled ” The Impact Of Gradual Blood Flow Increase On Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury In The Rat Cremaster Microcirculation Model “.
In 2007, I won the Clinical Branch Prize in the Expert Paper Competition at the 29th Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress with my work titled “ Upper Lateral Cartilage Fold-in Flap: Combined Spreader and/or Splay Graft Effect Without Using Cartilage Grafts”. In 2011, I became the winner of the Best of Turkey Expert Competition organized by the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association with my work titled “ Cartilage Preserving Septorhinoplasty” and I made a presentation in Milan, Italy in September 2011, representing Turkey . I have more than 20 awards in total, 8 of which are international.
I resigned from my position as a faculty member at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, on December 9 , 2013 . Between 2005 and 2007, I served as a member of the Faculty Board as the representative of the Assistant Professor, and also served as the İSO internal audit auditor.
I have been working as the National trainer of AO CMF (Craniomaxillofacial Surgery) since 2008 . In 2011, I was promoted to the position of International trainer of AO CMF .
I have been serving on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Plastic Surgery since 2010 .
I have been serving on the Gazi Medical Journal Editorial Board since 2010 .
I have been serving on the Turkish Medical Sciences Editorial Board since 2012 .
I have been on the Board of Directors of the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association since 2011 .
During 2017-2018, I was a member of the Board of Directors responsible for scientific affairs of the Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Association, and I was the vice president of the same association in 2019-2020 . I left the Board of Directors after two terms expired.
In 2023, I was elected to the Editorial Board of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal, which is number one in the world .
I was elected as the President of the Turkish Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association in 2023, where I have served at every level .
In 2023, I was elected as the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons National Secretary of Turkey for a four-year period .
I have a good command of English both verbally and in writing. I know beginner level German.
In two books published in the United States titled Tissue Surgery (Ed. Maria Z. Siemionow) and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Experimental Models and Research Designs (Ed. Maria Z. Siemionow), “ The Role of Stem Cells in Plastic Surgery ” and “Vascularized I wrote four chapters called ” Skin/Bone Transplantation Model”, “Bilateral Vascularized Composite Skin/Bone Transplantation Models”, “Heterotopic Transplantation of Total Face/Scalp Flap” . I was the Translation Editor of the books ” Mastering Rhinoplasty “, ” Publishing And Presenting Clinical Research ” and ” Grabb & Smith’s Plastic Surgery (2014) “, which is the main book of Plastic Surgery . I am one of the Translation Editors of the upcoming Evans Operative Surgery book and I am the Translation Editor of the latest edition of Grabb & Smith’s Plastic Surgery, the main book of Plastic Surgery .
I wrote chapters in an international book and 4 national books, and also translated 14 chapters into Turkish in 8 international books. Nearly 50 national and 90 scientific articles; I took part in a total of 274 scientific papers, 190 national and 84 international. My international work has been cited more than 2250 times, including international books, and my h factor is 24, one of the few highest in Plastic Surgery . I took part as a panelist or lecturer in more than 150 congresses, symposiums and meetings. I took part in the organization of more than 40 national and more than 15 international congresses, symposiums and meetings .
I was the leader of the team that performed Turkey ‘s third face transplant (the first face transplant from woman to woman, with bones) on March 18, 2012 . I have been a member of the Ministry of Health Tissue Transplantation Scientific Board since 2012.
I am one of the two founding partners of ENSO Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Clinic-Nişantaşı.